Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Squeeze Machine Secrets: 'Blame It On Those Darn Accordions'

We often are asked why we don't do more New Orleans-style music. With all these accordions, it's a fair enough question. My answer has been that there are plenty of "authentic" New Orleans bands that play this style of music all the time -- and way better than we could ever hope to. I just felt it was a genre better left alone.

When our drummer, Michael Messer, joined the band, he brought with him a long history of playing New Orleans music. He has lived and played in the Big Easy and is a huge fan of the New Orleans sound. I wanted to take advantage of his talents, so I just sat down at the piano and started banging out what I thought sounded like a New Orleans groove. (Professor Longhair I am not!)

I basically wanted to give him something to showcase his drumming. I think he did a fantastic job. I had a lyric idea about someone who blames his mess-ups on "those darn accordions." Think, "Blame It On The Bossa Nova." I laid that on top of the groove and that was it. Susie, who plays a lot of New Orleans music herself, worked out some cool harmonies and a vocal breakdown to put on the finishing touches. The result is a pretty fun party tune and a handy excuse for being late to work!

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