Friday, January 6, 2006

Miracle cat takes a wicked ride

We love cats. And we love weird news. When the two things collide and there's not a house filled with a mountain of dung, we're thrilled.

So it's with much excitement -- and pride in all things feline -- that we relate the story of a 6-pound kitten who took a 70-mile ride down the New Jersey Turnpike in the wheel well of an SUV and lived to meow about it.

"He's still pretty sore, he has a cold, and he still doesn't want to put weight on his feet," said Karen Dixon-Aquino, director of the animal shelter that's caring for the cat, post-adventure. "It's amazing that he lived. I've never heard of one surviving the engine being turned on, let alone surviving a ride down the turnpike. He's certainly used up 8 1/2 of his 9 lives."

The cat, now named Miracle, suffered a singed coat and burned paws but should be ready for adoption soon. The Philadelphia Inquirer has the story and a picture of the clearly tired cat. Heck, 20 minutes on the turnpike inside a car took the bounce outta my step.

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